Разделительный вопрос в английском языке. Об английском с любовью Тест тренируем вопросы с хвостиком английский язык

Упражнения на закрепление построения разделительного вопроса в английском языке

1. Выберите подходящий конец для разделительных вопросов.

haven’t you – aren’t you – won’t I – don’t they – isn’t it – can you

Mark: You are going to Madrid next Friday, ……….? (1)

Anna: Yes, I am going there by train.

Mark: Madrid is in Italy, ……….? (2)

Anna: No, it’s the capital of Spain, Mark.

Mark: Sorry. You have been to Spain before, ……….? (3)

Anna: Yes, I’ve been there twice.

Mark: And you can’t speak Spanish, ……….? (4)

Anna: I can speak it a little.

Mark: I think Spanish people speak English too, ……….? (5)

Anna: Unfortunately they speak only their native language.

Mark: It’s a pity. Well, I will see you before Friday, ……….? (6)

2. Закончите разделительные вопросы, обращая внимание на форму глагола в основной части.

    Your sister isn’t married, ………………….?

    You found my keys, ……………………….?

    I am very smart, ……………………………?

    Jack didn’t pass his exams, ………………..?

    Our love will last forever, …………………..?

    You have never been to China, …………….?

    Sandra has already got up, ………………….?

    My coffee and croissants are not cold, …….….?

    They won’t spend all their money, ……………?

    Tim is fond of table tennis, …………………..?

    This palace was built in the 16 th century, ……….?

    Her son often rides a horse in the country, ……….?

    The waiters were not polite, ……………..….?

    You prefer seafood, ………………………….?

    The students don’t speak French, …………….?

    She can’t play the violin, ……………………...?

    They can see the mountains from the window, ……….?

    Your boyfriend doesn’t earn much, ………………..….?

    We must talk to our neighbors, …………………….….?

    The train must not arrive late, ………………………….?

3. Сопоставь фразы, чтобы получились правильные разделительные вопросы

1. Tigers are dangerous animals.

2. They have a wonderful garden.

3. He bought an expensive TV-set.

4. You have a terrible toothache.

5. She has read an interesting book

6. We gave all possible answers.

7. I asked a foolish question

8. It will be a useful exercise.

9. His speech was boring.

D. haven"t they?


    They won"t go to the party, ___________?

    This house is new, ___________?

    I"m your doctor, ___________?

    There is much snow there, ___________?

    There is no juice in the fridge, ___________?

    She never comes in time, ___________?

    They have got a new house, ___________?

    They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________?

    They had to buy a new desk, ___________?

    They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________?

5. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.

    The boy wasn"t taken home, ___________?

    Our homework was not checked by the teacher, ___________?

    The new rules were explained to you, ___________?

    The words were not written on the blackboard, ___________?

    The English Channel was crossed by many swimmers, ___________?

    The street was named after M. Bagdanovich, ___________?

    You were born in 1982, ___________?

    This coffee wasn"t grown in India, ___________?

    All the children were given presents, ___________?

    All the mistakes were noticed by the teacher, ___________?

Приветствую, мои хорошие.

Не знаю, как лично для вас, но для всех моих учеников одной из самых любимых является тема с вопросами-«хвостиками». Не сложная для понимания и быстрая для изучения - она молниеносно завоевала сердца всех изучающих английский язык. Поэтому сегодня тема нашей беседы - Question Tags : грамматика.
Вас ждет немного правил, чуть больше примеров и много упражнений!

Для чего нужны вопросы-хвостики

Если перевести «хвостовые» вопросы на русский язык, то они все будут значить «Не так ли?» или «Ведь так?».
В большинстве школ эту тему проходят в 7 классе. Но и ученик, перешедший в 5-й класс, может осилить эту тему, ведь к этому времени ему уже должны были explain базовое строение предложения и как минимум время Present Simple.

Правила и причины использования этих вопросиков в английском языке очень просты:

  1. Когда в разговоре нам нужно уточнить информацию или подтвердить наши мысли.
  2. Если мы хотим, чтобы собеседник дал комментарий на наши слова.
  3. Иногда нам просто необходимо получить согласие собеседника с нашими мыслями.

Как же формируются вопросы-хвостики

Здесь все просто, как дважды два! Вот вам пошаговая инструкция и примеры:

  • Находим вспомогательный глагол (is, are, am, ) в повествовательном предложении.
    She is a doctor.
  • Если он положительный (is, are, am, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did, will ) - делаем его отрицательным.
    He is a good student, isn’t he?
  • Если он отрицательный (isn"t, aren"t, wasn"t, weren"t, haven"t, hasn"t, hadn"t, don"t, doesn"t, didn"t, won"t ) - делаем его положительным .
    He is not a good student, is he?
  • Если вспомогательный глагол «сбежал» из нашего предложения (как это бывает в настоящем и прошедшем времени) - тогда ставим в хвостике вспомогательный глагол того времени, в котором написано предложение.
    She speaks English very well, doesn’t she? He worked last week, didn"t he?
  • Если у нас в предложении есть модальные глаголы (can, must и т.д.) - используем их в хвостике.
    He can drive a car, can’t he?

Чтобы вы не подумали, что все так просто - вот вам несколько specific случаев , на которых чаще всего совершают ошибки:

  1. I am tall, aren’t I? — Мы не можем писать amn’t !
  2. She had to leave the house, didn’t she? — Здесь «had» не является вспомогательным глаголом!

Несколько подводных камешков

  • Чтобы ответить на вопрос-хвостик, нужно обращаться к самому вопросу, а не к хвостику. Если предложение утвердительное, тогда соглашаясь говорите yes, a несоглашаясь - no. Если предложение что-то отрицает, тогда согласие выражается словом no, а несогласие - словом yes.
  • В вопросах-хвостиках очень многое зависит от интонации. Если понижаете голос, тогда собеседник посчитает, что вы и не нуждаетесь в ответе. А вот если вы на хвостике повысите интонацию - ждите подробного ответа на вопрос.
  • Иногда американцы - ленивые создания в плане языка - вместо хвостика просто используют слово right .
  • Иногда хвостики используют в предложениях-приказах или предложениях-просьбах. Так вот, в таких случаях обычно используют глаголы can\will или won’t. Первые обычно используются для приказов, в то время как второй - для просьб.
    It’s stuffy. Open the window, won’t you? Душно, не откроете окно?
    Don’t forget to do it, will you? Не забудьте это сделать, хорошо?

Ну что, готовы немного попрактиковаться? Тогда вот вам упражнения с ответами в конце занятия.


Упражнение 1 : Перестройте предложения в вопросы-хвостики.

1. Cats are the most beloved animals in this country.
2. They have a beautiful picture in the room.
3. She bought an expensive dress.
4. She has a terrible headache.
5. He has written a very popular book.
6. We did our best.
7. They are going to throw a party next weekend.
8. His lesson is boring.

Упражнение 2: Добавьте хвостики в предложения.

1. She won’t do this to him, ___________?
2. They bought this hose last year, ___________?
3. I am a teacher ___________?
4. There are too many people, ___________?
5. There are no chances that he can get here in an hour, ___________?
6. He never hands in his writing in time, ___________?
7. They have found a place to stay for the night, ___________?
8. They had to buy a new car , ___________?

Упражнение 3: Создайте вопросы-хвостики и дайте на них ответ (согласие или несогласие указано в скобках) .

1. You are good at studying foreign languages (согласие).
2. They have moved to the next topic in the discussion (несогласие)
3. He decided to become a hair-dresser (несогласие).
4. He wasn’t cooking when I rang (согласие).
5. They do not organize this event every year (согласие).

Поздравляю, мои дорогие, мы с вами освоили еще одну замечательную тему.

Остались вопросы? Пишите их в комментариях и я обязательно на них отвечу!
Кроме того, буду рада делиться с вами - моими подписчиками - самой нужной для вас информацией в своем блоге. Следите за вкусными новостями.

1. Cats are the most beloved animals in this country, aren"t they?
2. They have a beautiful picture in the room, don"t they?
3. She bought an expensive dress, didn"t she?
4. She has a terrible headache, doesn"t she?
5. He has written a very popular book, hasn"t he?
6. We did our best, didn"t we?
7. They are going to throw a party next weekend, aren"t they?
8. His lesson is boring, isn"t it?

1. She won’t do this to him, will she?
2. They bought this hose last year, didn"t they?
3. I am a teacher, aren"t I?
4. There are too many people, aren"t there?
5. There are no chances that he can get here in an hour, are there?
6. He never hands in his writing in time, does he?
7. They have found a place to stay for the night, haven"t they?
8. They had to buy a new car , didn"t they?

1. You are good at studying foreign languages, aren"t you? — Yas, I am.
2. They have moved to the next topic in the discussion, haven"t they? — No, they haven"t.
3. He decided to become a hair-dresser, didn"t he? — No, he didn"t.
4. He wasn’t cooking when I rang, was he? — No, he wasn"t.
5. They do not organize this event every year, do they? — No, they don"t.

Тренировочные упражнения на составление
разделительных вопросов
Упражнение 1. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.
They won"t go to the party, ___________?
This house is new, ___________?
I"m your doctor, ___________?
There is much snow there, ___________?
There is no juice in the fridge, ___________?
She never comes in time, ___________?
They have got a new house, ___________?
They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________?
They had to buy a new desk, ___________?
They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________?
2. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.
Money isn"t everything, ___________?
Computers are very useful, ___________?
Some people watch too much TV , ___________?
People didn"t have TV 100 years ago, ___________?.
Life was better 100 years ago, ___________?
We can all make mistakes, ___________?.
Parents shouldn"t hit their children, ___________?.
3. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.
You went to see the doctor, ­­­­­­­­­­­?
You were playing showballs after the lessons, ___________?
You play snowballs every winter, ___________?
They were doing their homework yesterday after supper, ___________?
You did your homework after school, ___________?
They entered the classroom after the teacher, ___________?
She was writing a letter when you phoned, ___________?
Bob was playing the piano when we came, ___________?
4. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса
There was something you wanted, ___________?
There was nobody in the room, ___________?
He has never been to Asia, ___________?
You have had the computer for two years, ___________?
They had a good time there, ___________?
I am a great singer, ___________?
They went to Alaska ten years ago, ___________?
They want to go to Siberia, ___________?
This is the Mississippi River, ___________?

These are your photos, ___________?
5. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса
You study English, ___________?.
They are discussing a new topic now, ___________?.
He went for a walk in the valley an hour ago, ___________?
I was learning a poem when he came. , ___________?
Maize is not grown in this part of the country, ___________?.
You were not sure in his success, ___________?.
They have studied at this school for 7 years, ___________?.
We shan"t write a dictation tomorrow , ___________?
We are given homework every day, ___________?.
This rule was explained to us yesterday, ___________?.
6. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса
I am very smart, ……….?
1. Your sister isn’t married, ……….?
2. You found my keys, ……….?
4. Jack didn’t pass his exams, ……….?
5. Our love will last forever, ……….?
6. You have never been to China, ……….?
7. Sandra has already got up, ……….?
8. My coffee and croissants are not cold, ……….?
9. They won’t spend all their money, ……….?
10. Tim is fond of table tennis, ……….?
11. This palace was built in the 16th century, ……….?
12. Her son often rides a horse in the country, ……….?
13. The waiters were not polite, ……….?
14. You prefer seafood, ……….?
15. The students don’t speak French, ……….?
16. She can’t play the violin, ……….?
17. They can see the mountains from the window, ……….?
18. Your boyfriend doesn’t earn much, ……….?
19. We must talk to our neighbors, ……….?
20. The train must not arrive late, ……….?
8. 7. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса
1. You won’t be late, ………………………………?
2. Marry was at the cinema yesterday,………………………?
3. You are a good singer, ………………………………?
4. Nick didn’t go to school yesterday,…………?
5. We go to school every day,………………………?
6. Your mother doesn’t like sweets,……………?
7. He is very tall……………………………?
8. Penguins cannot fly,………………?

9. I got up early today,……………………?
9. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса
 Many English people have fireplaces in their homes…?

It is going to rain…?
 Mary can’t forget her trip to the lake…?
 The English are great animal­lovers…?

In Britain people don’t grow vegetables in front of their houses…?
 Londoners like to sit on the grass in Hyde Park and have their sandwiches…?

It was difficult for me to understand his Scottish accent…?
 Ben is walking his dog in the park…?
 The English are known to have strange traffic rules…?
 They always queue even if there is only one person…?
 Americans don’t like to be late…?
 He hasn’t bought a present for his friend’s birthday…?
10 . Choose the right answer.
1. You are not from Russia,…?
a. are we,
b. was it,
c. are you
2. Sam had a red car, …?
a. hadn’t he,
b. has he,
c. do we
3. You didn’t go to school yesterday, …?
a. didn’t you,

b. do you,
c. did you
4. You can speak English, …?
a. can’t he,
b. can’t you,
c. must she
5. She visited her grandmother,…?
a. visited he not,
b. didn’t she,
c. does he.
1. It is dark in the evening in winter, ...?
a) is it
b) isn,t it
c) does it
d) doesn,t it
2. It was nice to look at the happy girl
a) was it
b) wasn,t it
c) did it
d) didn,t it
3. You are so angry with me, ...?
a) aren,t you

Привет, Друзья! Разделительные Вопросы, или Question Tags - это вопросы, которые используются для выражения сомнения, удивления и требуют подтверждения или опровержения сказанного.

Задавая разделительные вопросы в английском языке, говорящий не стремится получить дополнительную информацию, а просто ищет согласия или несогласия со сказанным.

Как образуются tag questions

Время Пример Перевод
Present Simple + to be I am your friend, aren’t I ?
He isn’t your brother, is he ?
They aren’t at home now, are they ?
Я же твой друг, да?
Он не твой брат, да?
Они не дома сейчас, да?
Present Simple You play the guitar, don’t you ?
She doesn’t live near here, does she ?
Ты играешь на гитаре, да?
Она же не живет рядом, да?
Past Simple + to be He was an A-student, wasn’t he ?
They weren’t nice people, were they ?
Он был отличником, да?
Они не были милыми людьми, да?
Past Simple Your friend worked in IT, didn’t he ?
You used to get up at 5 a.m., didn’t you ?
Твой друг работал в сфере IT , да?
Раньше ты вставал в 5 утра, да?
Future Simple She will leave tomorrow, won’t she ?
Nothing will work here, will it ?
Она уедет завтра, правда?
Здесь ничего не будет работать, да?
Present Continuous He is reading a book, isn’t he ?
They aren’t cooking, are they ?
Он читает книгу, да?
Они не готовят кушать, да?
Past Continuous He wasn’t drinking coffee, was he ?
They were watching TV, were they ?
Он не пил кофе, правда?
Они смотрели телевизор, да?
Future Continuous They will be coming soon, won’t they ?
He will not be waiting for us, will he ?
Они скоро будут приезжать, да?
Он не будет нас ждать, да?
Present Perfect He has opened the door, hasn’t he ?
They haven’t been to Paris, have they ?
Он открыл дверь, да?
Они не были в Париже, да?
Past Perfect He had forgotten his hat, hadn’t he ?
They hadn’t solved the problem, had they ?
Он забыл свою шляпу, да?
Они не решили проблему, да?
Future Perfect They will have finished before nine, won’t they ? Они закончат до 9, правда?
Imperatives Turn on the light, will you ?
Let’s have a break, shall we ?
Включи свет, хорошо?
Устроим перерыв, да?
Modals My mom can help, can’t she ?
You must stay here, mustn’t you ?
Моя мама может помочь, да?
Ты должен остаться здесь, да?

Если первая часть вопроса имеет утвердительную форму, то вторая часть - отрицательную. Вспомогательный глагол ставится в том времени, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое.


  • He is a part time student, isn’t he?
    Он студент вечернего (заочного) отделения, не так ли?
  • They are twins, aren’t they?
    Они близнецы, не правда ли?
  • My sister can speak English very well, can’t she?
    Моя сестра очень хорошо говорит по-английски, не так ли?
  • You go to the swimming pool, don’t you?
    Ты ходишь в бассейн, не так ли? (правда?)
  • He reads newspapers every day, doesn’t he?
    Он читает газеты каждый день, не так ли?
  • His sister went abroad, didn’t she?
    Его сестра уехала за границу, не так ли?
  • Ann, you have told them about our departure, haven’t you?
    Анна, ты сказала им о нашем отъезде, не правда ли?

Если же первая часть вопроса представляет собой отрицательное предложение, то вторая часть будет в утвердительной форме.


  • You don’t go to the swimming-pool, do you?
    Ты не ходишь в бассейн, не так ли?
  • His sister didn‘t go abroad, did she?
    Его сестра не поехала за границу, правда?
  • They aren’t twins, are they?
    Они не близнецы, не так ли?
  • She couldn’t skate last year, could she?
    Она не могла кататься на коньках в прошлом году, не так ли?

Исключения разделительных вопросов

Есть несколько особых случаев построения Tag questions, на которые следует сосредоточить внимание.

  1. Если в главной части Вы видите I am, то в хвостике будет aren’t I?

I am 29 years old, aren’t I?

2. Если в главной части оборот there is – то его нужно будет использовать и в хвостике, согласно основным правилам:

There are twenty chairs in the assembly hall, aren’t there?

3. Если в основной части Вы видите this is или that is, то в конце разделительного вопроса будет isn’t it?
This is Greg’s brother, isn’t it?

4. Если в основной части вы видите предложение, начинающееся с Let’s (Let us) – в кратком вопросе нужно использовать shall we? Хвостик в таких предложениях не переводится.

Let’s change the kitchen design, shall we? – Давайте сменим дизайн кухни? / Почему бы нам не сменить дизайн кухни?

5. Если же первая часть разделительного вопроса начинается с Let me, Let him, Let her, Let them, то хвостик будет will you? или won’t you?

Let Molly explain her position, will you?

6. Если первая часть разделительного вопроса представляет собой повелительное наклонение, то краткий вопрос будет will you? В утвердительной форме повелительного наклонения можно использовать и won’t you?

  • Lend me some money, will you?
  • Don’t shout at me, will you?

Упражнения с ответами

2. Закончите разделительные вопросы, обращая внимание на форму глагола в основной части.

Н-р: The film starts at 7 p.m., ……….? – The film starts at 7 p.m., doesn’t it? (Фильм начинается в 7 вечера, не так ли?)

Ronald won’t come, ……….? – Ronald won’t come, will he? (Роналд не придет, не так ли?)

  1. Your sister isn’t married, ……….?
  2. You found my keys, ……….?
  3. I am very smart, ……….?
  4. Jack didn’t pass his exams, ……….?
  5. Our love will last forever, ……….?
  6. You have never been to China, ……….?
  7. Sandra has already got up, ……….?
  8. My coffee and croissants are not cold, ……….?
  9. They won’t spend all their money, ……….?
  10. Tim is fond of table tennis, ……….?
  11. This palace was built in the 16 th century, ……….?
  12. Her son often rides a horse in the country, ……….?
  13. The waiters were not polite, ……….?
  14. You prefer seafood, ……….?
  15. The students don’t speak French, ……….?
  16. She can’t play the violin, ……….?
  17. They can see the mountains from the window, ……….?
  18. Your boyfriend doesn’t earn much, ……….?
  19. We must talk to our neighbors, ……….?
  20. The train must not arrive late, ……….?


  1. is she? (Твоя сестра не замужем, не так ли?)
  2. didn’t you? (Ты нашел мои ключи, не так ли?)
  3. aren’t I? (Я очень умный, не так ли?)
  4. did he? (Джек не сдал экзамены, не так ли?)
  5. won’t it? (Наша любовь будет длиться вечно, не так ли?)
  6. have you? (слово “never” превращает первую часть предложения в отрицательную) (Ты никогда не был в Китае, не так ли?)
  7. hasn’t she? (Сандра уже встала, не так ли?)
  8. are they? (Мои кофе и круасаны не холодные, не так ли?)
  9. will they? (Они не потратят все свои деньги, не так ли?)
  10. isn’t he? (Тим увлекается настольным теннисом, не так ли?)
  11. wasn’t it? (Этот дворец был построен в 16 веке, не так ли?)
  12. doesn’t he? (Ее сын часто ездит верхом на лошади в деревне, не так ли?)
  13. were they? (Официанты не были вежливы, не так ли?)
  14. don’t you? (Ты предпочитаешь морепродукты, не так ли?)
  15. do they? (Студенты не говорят по-французски, не так ли?)
  16. can she? (Она не умеет играть на скрипке, не так ли?)
  17. can’t they? (Они могут увидеть горы из окна, не так ли?)
  18. does he? (Твой друг не зарабатывает много, не так ли?)
  19. mustn’t we? (Мы должны поговорить с нашими соседями, не так ли?)
  20. must it? (Поезд не должен прибыть поздно, не так ли?)

Разделительные вопросы в английском — Tag Questions

Данная подборка упражнений поможет Вам закрепить тему . Множество упражнений имеют разный уровень сложности. Первые Tag questions exercises будут оптимальными для учеников (5 класс или 6 класс). Упражнения под более поздними номерами требуют знаний особых ситуаций построения вопросов с хвостиком, и потому рассчитаны на старшеклассников и студентов.

Разделительные вопросы. Упражнения для 5 – 6 классов.

5 класс

Упражнение 1. Add tags to make disjunctive questions.

1. Tigers are dangerous animals.

2. They have a wonderful garden.

3. He bought an expensive TV-set.

4. You have a terrible toothache.

5. She has read an interesting book

6. We gave all possible answers.

7. I asked a foolish question

8. It will be a useful exercise.

9. His speech was boring.

D. haven"t they?

Упражнение 2. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.

  1. They won"t go to the party, ___________?
  2. This house is new, ___________?
  3. I"m your doctor, ___________?
  4. There is much snow there, ___________?
  5. There is no juice in the fridge, ___________?
  6. She never comes in time, ___________?
  7. They have got a new house, ___________?
  8. They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________?
  9. They had to buy a new desk, ___________?
  10. They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________?

Упражнение 3. You are talking to a friend. Ask him/her to agree with these statements. Use question tags.

Smoking is bad for you.

Smoking is bad or you, isn"t it?

  1. Money isn"t everything.
  2. Computers are very useful.
  3. Some people watch too much TV
  4. People didn"t have TV 100 years ago.
  5. Life was better 100 years ago.
  6. We can all make mistakes.
  7. Parents shouldn"t hit their children.

6 класс.

Упражнение 4. Add tags to make disjunctive questions.

You went to see the doctor, didn"t you?

  1. You were playing showballs after the lessons, ___________?
  2. You play snowballs every winter, ___________?
  3. They were doing their homework yesterday after supper, ___________?
  4. You did your homework after school, ___________?
  5. They entered the classroom after the teacher, ___________?
  6. She was writing a letter when you phoned, ___________?
  7. Bob was playing the piano when we came, ___________?

Упражнение 5. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса.

  1. The boy wasn"t taken home, ___________?
  2. Our homework was not checked by the teacher, ___________?
  3. The new rules were explained to you, ___________?
  4. The words were not written on the blackboard, ___________?
  5. The English Channel was crossed by many swimmers, ___________?
  6. The street was named after M. Bagdanovich, ___________?
  7. You were born in 1982, ___________?
  8. This coffee wasn"t grown in India, ___________?
  9. All the children were given presents, ___________?
  10. All the mistakes were noticed by the teacher, ___________?

Упражнение 6. Допишите хвостик разделительного вопроса

  1. There was something you wanted, ___________?
  2. There was nobody in the room, ___________?
  3. He has never been to Asia, ___________?
  4. You have had the computer for two years, ___________?
  5. They had a good time there, ___________?
  6. I am a great singer, ___________?
  7. They went to Alaska ten years ago, ___________?
  8. They want to go to Siberia, ___________?
  9. This is the Mississippi River, ___________?
  10. These are your photos, ___________?

Упражнение 7. Change the statements into disjunctive questions

Example: He likes to read funny stories.

He likes to read funny stories, doesn"t he?

He is not always patient.

He is not always patient, is he?

  1. You study English.
  2. They are discussing a new topic now.
  3. He went for a walk in the valley an hour ago.
  4. I was learning a poem when he came.
  5. Maize is not grown in this part of the country.
  6. You were not sure in his success.
  7. They have studied at this school for 7 years.
  8. We shan"t write a dictation tomorrow
  9. We are given homework every day.
  10. This rule was explained to us yesterday.

Упражнение 8. You are interviewing Molly. Complete the conversation.

You: Molly. You"ve always wanted to be an actress, haven"t you?

Molly: Yes. I have.

You: You started acting when you were a small child, ___________?

(Molly: Yes. I appeared on stage for the first time when I was only four.

You: You"re Canadian, ___________?

Molly: Yes, I am.

You: You were born in Toronto, ___________?

Molly: That"s right.

You: But you didn"t go to acting school in Canada, _____________?

Molly: No, I studied acting in New York.

You: You were there for two years, _____________?

Molly: That"s right.

You: You live in London now, ______________?

Molly: Yes, I do.

You: And you"re married, _________________?

Molly: Yes, I am.

You: Your husband isn"t Canadian, ____________________?

Molly: No, he isn"t. He"s English.

You: And you"ve got two children, ___________________?

Molly: Yes, we have. A boy and a girl.

Tag questions упражнения для старшеклассников и студентов.

Упражнение 9. Добавьте хвостик разделительного вопроса.

  1. I"m older than she, ___________?
  2. He has a sister, ___________?
  3. Sally can"t speak Chinese, ___________?
  4. Let me call you, ___________?
  5. Tell us about yourself, ___________?
  6. That was an unusual stone, ___________?
  7. She hates onion, ___________?
  8. Dan arrived two hours ago, ___________?
  9. There weren"t many students in the hall, ___________?
  10. The Greens have been invited too, ___________?
  11. Don"t leave without me, ___________?
  12. Let"s watch this film, ___________?
  13. Nothing special happened that day, ___________?
  14. Our parents are leaving for Grodno tomorrow, ___________?
  15. He will pick you up at 4 o"clock, ___________?
  16. This is not her car, ___________?
  17. I"m not dressed so smartly as she does, ___________?
  18. Everyone was shocked by his behaviour, ___________?
  19. Emilie has a shower four times a week, ___________?
  20. She used to fight with her brother, ___________?

Упражнение 10 . Добавьте хвостик разделительного вопроса.

  1. There is enough food here for everyone, ___________?
  2. Remember to turn off the cooker, ___________?
  3. Our President is going to visit Vatican, ___________?
  4. Nobody knows about this, ___________?
  5. I"m making you feel uncomfortable, ___________?
  6. Bred should be here by now, ___________?
  7. If you borrow my jeans, don"t get them dirty, ___________?
  8. Let"s go because it is getting dark, ___________?
  9. Get me some chewing gum when you go to the shop, ___________?
  10. There is not really much time left, ___________?
  11. Charlie usually has a rest after lunch, ___________?
  12. Everything was done perfectly, ___________?
  13. They won"t be happy, ___________?
  14. The Stones bought this car last year, ___________?
  15. Don"t repeat what I told you, ___________?
  16. She hadn"t been told about it, ___________?
  17. There were a lot of cars in the street, ___________?
  18. We have to work harder, ___________?
  19. She needs to be there, ___________?
  20. I needn"t come, ___________?

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